Save the date! Thursday, September 8. B-Line trail opening ceremony.
Come and celebrate the opening of the B-line trail Septemeber 8 in the old McDoel switchyard. The festivities begin with a parade down the trail that will end at the switchyard at 5:30 pm. Mayor Mark Kruzan, Upland Brewery's Doug Dayhoff as well as city council members will be on hand to give remarks and kick off the the official opening of the trail. Before the speechmaking and revelry begins there will be a parade of bicycles and pedestrians that will begin at 4:00 at Mills Pool which is at the northernmost end of the trail, and will proceed down the trail to the event at the switchyard. There will be five stops along the route where kids can receive raffle tickets for a drawing for two bikes donated by the Bloomington Bicycle Project, as well as bicycle-related merchandise such as helmets and water bottles.
See you there!
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