Sad news for McDoel Gardens, Upland Brewing has changed their plans for their new brewery and have decided not to move into the vacant building on Grimes lane next to the B-line trail. Instead they have decided to open shop on the far west side of Bloomington on Profile Parkway, west of Curry Pike. Doug Dayhoff, president of Upland Brewing was quoted as saying in the Herald Times, “My heart is still with the B-Line; the economics caused a change, we just got a better deal.” Upland plans to sell the building next to the B-line to Storage Express who plans on turning the property into indoor, climate controlled rental storage space.
Good news, the talks are underway for development plans for the 69 acre Switchyard Park surrounding the B-Line. On the list of factors is what to do with coal ash and cinders that blanket the park from its days as a railroad yard. The area will need to be tested for contamination levels and the city may need to remove the toxic soil. Another factor is the park lies in a flood plain. More public meetings are planned this spring and in August. The steering committee is confident that the park will go ahead as planned as soon as obstacles are dealt with.
For up to date information about the park go to
Image courtesy of Herald Times Online.