One-stop shopping for all neighborhood issues!
In my recent State of the City speech, I outlined an initiative I thought you might find of interest and that I hope will help improve the quality of life for residents in all our community's neighborhoods.
One concern I've heard from neighborhood residents is that they sometimes aren't sure who to contact when there's an issue city government needs to address. For instance, if a sign is vandalized, should a call be placed to the police, Public Works Department, or to the Housing & Neighborhood Development Department?
I'm pleased to announce that the City of Bloomington has established one-stop shopping for all neighborhood issues. We've established a new tool to allow for fast and easy reporting of any and all challenges a neighborhood may face. It's called NeighborLink. NeighborLink is literally a link between neighborhoods and all City departments. This tool will allow for neighbors to communicate with the City in one central way and place. It also will allow City departments to efficiently organize, track and solve issues reported by residents.
Here's how it works: whenever you see an issue that needs to be reported, you can call NeighborLink Coordinator Vickie Provine at 349.3581. Vickie will ensure that your concern is channeled to the right place and followup to make sure it's addressed. You also can visit www.bloomington.in.gov/neighborlink to describe the situation, leave contact information, or even to upload a photo. Finally, you also can visit NeighborLink using the City of Bloomington's mobile site on your cellphone at www.bloomington.in.gov/m .
Please always feel free to let us know what you think of NeighborLink and how we can improve upon it. Thanks for helping to make Bloomington the most livable community possible!
Mayor Mark Kruzan

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